Table of Contents

Important information for employers

20% Off-The-Job Training

All apprenticeships require 20% off the job training.

Release for college

We have allocated 'block releases' which are typically a week in length. This has a few benefits:

Off the job training

The inset days at college do not quite make up the full 20%. To that end, an apprentice will be required to spend roughly 5 hours per week doing off the job tasks. These could be working on projects set outside of work, updating portfolios, writing up about tasks, meetings, conversations, etc. that the apprentice has performed that week. Please see page 5 of the above document which will explain the definition of 'off the job training'.

The need to set projects

The employer and the assessor will work together to set either a large project or number of smaller projects for the apprentice to complete. These projects need to cover all of the competency standards that are displayed on each of the apprenticeship pages. By the time the apprentice is ready to do their End Point Assessment, the employer will be required to provide a reference (a template will be inserted here shortly).

The responsibilities for training

It is up to the employer to ensure that sufficient time is allowed for the apprentice to complete their training. While the college will provide the knowledge module training, the employer is required to train the apprentice on the various aspects of performing a specific task or tasks in the workplace.

It is an apprenticeship and not a job

Employers should appoint an apprentice with the notion that the apprentice is trainable so that they will gain skills that could possibly make them a good fit for a future position in the organisation. An apprentice should not be used to fulfill a current vacancy, or meet a full time job specification.