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Cyber Security Technician L3

This apprenticeship has a duration of 18 months


Provide first line cyber security support

This occupation is found in all sectors where information is held digitally and where that information is an asset that needs to be protected including but not limited to finance, retail, telecoms, health, media, manufacturing and local authorities.

The broad purpose of the occupation is to provide first line cyber security support. This requires individuals to monitor and detect potential security threats and escalate as necessary and to support secure and uninterrupted business operations of an organisation through the implementation of cyber security mechanisms and the application of cyber security procedures and controls. To contribute to the delivery of a security culture across an organisation, understanding vulnerabilities and threats and supporting the development of an organisation's cyber security maturity. To apply procedures and controls to maintain security and control of an organisation, and process security requests ensuring confidentiality, integrity and availability of information stored digitally.

In their daily work, an employee in this occupation interacts with a wide range of stakeholders including colleagues, managers, customers and internal and external suppliers. They would typically work as a member of a team; this may be office based or virtual. The employee will interact with, and influence colleagues and will have working level contact with customers, suppliers and partners in their capacity as an individual contributor.

An employee in this occupation will be responsible for supporting a cyber security function (frequently a Security Operations Centre or Network Operations Centre) working under supervision. The employee will be conducting specific cyber security tasks to defined procedures and standards. Specific cyber security mechanisms and controls that an individual would be required to implement would include: patching software, installing software updates, implementing access control, configuring firewalls, security incident and event management tools (SIEM) tools and protection tools (Anti-virus, Anti-malware, Anti-spam). They will be responsible for their own activities with other resources made available to them as required. As directed, the employee will engage with specific cyber security events. The employee will be expected to work with internal and external stakeholders under general direction. They will use discretion in identifying and responding to complex issues and assignments and will usually receive specific instructions and will have work reviewed at frequent milestones. They will be expected to determine when issues should be escalated to a higher level.

Job roles include:

  • Cyber Security Administrator
  • Access Control Administrator
  • Incident Response Technician
  • Junior Security Operations Centre (SOC) Analyst
  • Junior Information Security Analyst
  • Junior Threat and Risk Analyst
  • Junior Penetration Tester
  • Junior Security Analyst

Benefits to business

  • Develop the skills your business needs
  • Get qualified and motivated staff
  • Future proof your business
  • Professional qualification you existing staff

Benefits for apprentices

  • Developing skills that will increase your career potential
  • Industry Support from industry experienced staff working with the British Computing Society
  • Working with the British Computing Society
  • Becoming a BCS member (students only)

Entry Requirements

Apprentices without level 2 English and maths will need to achieve this level prior to taking the End-Point Assessment. For those with an education, health and care plan or a legacy statement, the apprenticeship’s English and maths minimum requirement is Entry Level 3. A British Sign Language (BSL) qualification is an alternative to the English qualification for those whose primary language is BSL.

Professional Recognition

This standard has professional recognition
Body Level
BCS - The Chartered Institute for IT Associate BCS membership (AMBCS) and Professional
Registration for IT Technicians (RITTech)
Chartered Institute for Information Security / Accredited Affiliate

Skill scan template will be linked here

EPA Documents

Year Start End Topic Room
202224 Jan28 JanInduction and Intro to Cyber Security Chelt - G127
TBCTBCVisit: Cyber Security EvidenceEmployer
7 Mar11 MarCyber ThreatsChelt - G127
TBCTBCVisit: Cyber Threats Evidence Employer
19 Apr22 AprVulnerability AssessmentChelt - G127
TBCTBCVisit: Vulnerability Assessment EvidenceEmployer
16 May 20 MayIncident ResponseChelt - G127
TBCTBCVisit: Incident Response EvidenceEmployer
TBCTBCVisit: Incident Response EvidenceEmployer
20 June 24 JuneDigital ForensicsChelt - G127
TBCTBCVisit: Digital Forensics EvidenceEmployer
TBCTBCCyber Portfolio ProjectEmployer
TBCTBCExam and EPA PreparationGC & Employer
2022 3 May5 MayInduction and Intro to Cyber Security Chelt - G127
TBCTBCVisit: Cyber Security EvidenceEmployer
23 May 25 MayIntro to Cyber Security 2Chelt - G127
TBCTBCVisit: Cyber Threats EvidenceEmployer
13 June17 JuneVulnerability AssessmentChelt - G127
TBCTBCVisit: Vulnerability Assessment EvidenceEmployer
4 July 8 JulyIncident Response Chelt - G127
TBCTBCVisit:Incident Response Evidence Employer.
  • cyber_security_technician.1653297314.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/05/23 09:15
  • by sulaiman